With warmer weather around the corner, the Vappu holiday takes place the last day of April and the first day of May to celebrate when the strong back of winter has been broken.

It is a time when soon to graduate high school students reach for their caps and are joined by former classmates with hats already stained shades of yellow from celebrational champagne.

Vibrant balloons adorn the sky and colorful school uniforms flood the city streets with a lively mood. Sima or homemade Finnish beer is passed around to share with pride.
It is under this joyous sentiment that we celebrate the Vappu holiday with the latest assortment of Karhu Aria. To capture the lighthearted atmosphere, Karhu incorporates vivid turquoise blues, tropical oranges and subtle pigskin greys.

Don’t be fooled and don’t miss out, the Aria Vappu Pack drops April 1st, 2016 at select stores around the globe.